Sunday, 18 November 2012

According to the latest studies, the incidence of cancer is expected to rise to 75% in the developed nations and over 90% in the developing nations by 2030. Every day, world over, cancer claims about 17,000 lives apart from the new cases which emerge. The traditional medical science treatment of cancer has been associated with some debilitating side effects and hence research into the newer and safer methods to treat cancer is actively being pursued. More recently, it has come to light that many traditional oriental herbal medicines may have a possible cancer alleviating effect. 

For example, Withaferin A, isolated from Withania somnifera (ashwagandha), a prominent plant in Ayurveda, has been found to stop the growth of some kinds of cancer cells, particularly breast cancer cells.

Similarly Honokiol, isolated from Magnolia grandiflora, used in the traditional Japanese medicine has been found to have very strong anti-angiogenic and anti-tumorogenic properties, with potential against brain cancer (GBM), gastric cancer and colon cancer. 

Since cancer is a disease of diversity that is still in the process of being fully understood, there needs to be a collective pooling in of the knowledge resources of the world to get an insight into treating this deadly disease.

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