A man's mistakes are his portals of discovery. - James Joyce
According to the United States Census Bureau, the world population is currently 7.057 billion. A huge number of people this is and what is interesting is that each of us, is unique, not just literally but also biologically. Each of us, except identical twins have a unique genome.
How are we so unique? What makes our genome so unique?
As in life, so in the molecules of life. It is our mistakes which make us unique. Our genome which refers to the DNA molecules present in each of our cell's nucleus keeps undergoing mutations. Sometimes these mutations could be really harmful- like in the case of cancer. Other times they could be useful too- like in the case of evolution where accumulated mutations made our Homo sapiens species.
Now what are these mutations? Mutations are like 'mistakes' in the DNA sequence which changes its sequence. Your parents genes undergo recombination to give a unique 'you'. Then your DNA makes further mistakes to make even more of a unique 'you'. Every new person has about 100 new mutations- a 100 mistakes guaranteed to make you unique. How cool!
And what do our mistakes give us?
A new perspective? A new function? A new way to approach the same problem?
Mistakes could be fun sometimes- and give a lesson later. They shouldn't be feared though but embraced and accepted for what they end up teaching us.
If I had my life to live over...I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.
Nadine Stair.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
-Albert Einstein
According to the United States Census Bureau, the world population is currently 7.057 billion. A huge number of people this is and what is interesting is that each of us, is unique, not just literally but also biologically. Each of us, except identical twins have a unique genome.
How are we so unique? What makes our genome so unique?
As in life, so in the molecules of life. It is our mistakes which make us unique. Our genome which refers to the DNA molecules present in each of our cell's nucleus keeps undergoing mutations. Sometimes these mutations could be really harmful- like in the case of cancer. Other times they could be useful too- like in the case of evolution where accumulated mutations made our Homo sapiens species.
Now what are these mutations? Mutations are like 'mistakes' in the DNA sequence which changes its sequence. Your parents genes undergo recombination to give a unique 'you'. Then your DNA makes further mistakes to make even more of a unique 'you'. Every new person has about 100 new mutations- a 100 mistakes guaranteed to make you unique. How cool!
And what do our mistakes give us?
A new perspective? A new function? A new way to approach the same problem?
Mistakes could be fun sometimes- and give a lesson later. They shouldn't be feared though but embraced and accepted for what they end up teaching us.
If I had my life to live over...I'd dare to make more mistakes next time.
Nadine Stair.
“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
-Albert Einstein