Sunday, 19 August 2012

Stem cells anyone?

For all the promise shown by stem cells, they are still looked at with suspicion by the major section of society. Human Stem cells = killed human fetuses for most of the public but the information, the correct information that needs to be communcated is that the stem cells are present right here, in our very own bodies- surprised? how do you think so many blood cells are being produced otherwise? A red blood cell which gives red colour to your blood and tranports oxygen to the different parts of the body- can live only for 120 days. It is regenerated by means of Haematopoietic stem (HPSC) cell which is also responsible for the generating the other blood cell types. 


HPSC are present in the bone marrow that is why in diseases or surgeries where the bone marrow is destroyed, a person becomes immunologically weak due to the inability of the body to produce the immune cells (white blood cells)

Look here for more info: 

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