Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Epigenetic Therapy

We blame our genes for so many things which are not right with us. In fact, molecular biology is quite hot and buzzing trying to find a genetic basis for everything. Okay it was alright till we found a genetic basis for Diabates, Autisim and Cancer, but now neurobiology seeks to explain OUR behaviour in terms of our genetics. Now just how important are these genes beginning to be? A research has claimed that selfishness is in the genes too. And genes are something which are supposed to be fixed. Once you have something bad genetically, you're supposed to be like that forever and ever.

Not anymore.

The epigenetic therapy hopes to change this. Epi means over so epigentics basically deals with genetics that are over or on top of the other molecular basis of inheritance. Basically, epigenetics causes heritable changes in the gene expression without causing the underlying DNA sequence change. Basically it would mean that you would still have the bad genes but you would not be affected by it.

Epigenetic therapy basically acts on these epigenetics. This therapy works in three ways:

1. Dietary modification
2. Environmental Influence
3. Pharmacological intervention

I see genes as something like your destiny with which you are born. You can't do much about it. You can't change it. But Epigenetics is like karma. With your good Karma, you can actually change the expression of your destiny and make it the way you like. And eventually it's the expression which is important.

Hopefully, Epigenetics will be harnessed in a grand way and will help all of us in harnessing our karma.

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